Novels, short stories, screenplays, comic books

Fata Morgana
Written with Ken Mitchroney
At the height of World War II, a Flying Fortress vanishes from a deadly bombing mission over flak-filled German skies — and leaves ten crewmen stranded with the final outcasts of a desolated world.
Caught among bitter enemies competing for their bomber, the vast power that has brought them here for its own purposes, and a terrifying living weapon obsessed with their destruction, Capt. Joe Farley encounters wonder and horror — and a love decreed by fate — as he fights to recover his stolen Flying Fortress and get his men back home.
Fata Morgana — the epic novel of love and duty at war across the reach of time.
Mortality Bridge
Decades ago a young rock & blues guitarist and junkie named Niko signed in blood on the dotted line and in return became the stuff of music legend. But when the love of his damned life grows mortally ill he understands that he's lost more than he bargained for — and that wasn't part of the Deal.
So Niko sets out on a harrowing journey from the streets of Los Angeles through the downtown subway tunnels and across the redlit plain of the most vividly realized Hell since Dante, to play the gig of his mortgaged life and win back the purloined soul of his lost love.
Mortality Bridge remixes Orpheus, Dante, Faust, the Crossroads legend, and more, in a beautiful, brutal — and surprisingly funny — quest across a Hieronymous Bosch landscape of myth, music, and mayhem; and across an inner terrain of addiction, damnation, and redemption.
Elegy Beach
The sequel to ARIEL
It's been twenty-seven years since the Change.
An entire generation has grown up in the ruins of their parents' world. They've never known electricity or large crowds, but they take a new set of physical laws and a depopulated world for granted — until something threatens to change things back.
Elegy Beach — a novel of reunions and departures, the joy of discovery and the pain of loss.

Treks Not Taken
What if Stephen King, Anne Rice, Jack Kerouac, and other literary greats had written episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation? The answer is a mixed-media mashup that's hilarious even while it's an astonishingly good fit.
- The Crusher in the Rye, not by J.D. Salinger
- The Vampire Le Forge, not by Anne Rice
- The Ship Also Rises, not by Ernest Hemingway
- One Beamed Onto the Cuckoo's Nest, not by Ken Kesey
- Moby-Trek, not by Herman Melville
...and many more!

The Gnole
With illustrator Alan Aldridge
Fungle is a Gnole: an intelligent, mole-like creature living in the wilds of the Smoky Mountains. Fearing the ominous signs of human encroachment, and duty-bound to stop a powerful demon from obtaining a device that could destroy the planet, Fungle embarks on a daunting quest: Find the device before the demon or the humans can use it to turn the world into a wasteland.
Follow Fungle to the concrete heart of Manhattan and multimedia celebrity, government imprisonment, and dark collusion.
Dazzling escapes, quirky characters, and vivid prose make The Gnole an English fairy tale told to a rock & roll beat. It's Bilbo Takes Manhattan, and it's the ultimate collision of cultures.

The Architect of Sleep
Jim Bentley's plans for the evening were simple: A movie and the graveyard shift at 7-Eleven. Then he stumbled into a different world.
Evolution took a different path on this parallel Earth, but some things never change. Jim Bentley has fallen from his ordinary life into a war — but not war among human beings. And even as he strives to learn this strange world's ways and make a place for himself, the tides of revolution rise around him.
But Bentley has a part to play in this war, for his coming has been foretold by the dream-interpreting rulers of this world. Every step he takes to help, to fit in — or to run away — leads toward an epic confrontation. Like it or not, Jim Bentley is vital to the machinations of the Architect of Sleep.
It's been five years since the Change. Five years since the lights went out, cars stopped in the streets, and mythical creatures began roaming the nearly deserted towns and cities of Earth.
Young Pete Garey spent two years wandering, scavenging — surviving — until the day he encountered an injured unicorn. He nursed her to health and named her Ariel, and one of the most unique friendships in fantasy literature was born.
Snarky, haughty, foul-mouthed, Ariel acts against type every chance she gets. But her horn is a rare and powerful commodity in this changed world, and soon Ariel and Pete find themselves on a road trip to the ruins of Manhattan to make a stand against the dark magician who would tear it from her.
Short Works
"Not Last Night but the Night Before," Subterranean: Tales of Dark Fantasy 2, ed. William Shafer (Subterranean Press, 2011)
"Hard Silver," Subterranean Magazine, Winter 2013.
"The View from On High," The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, Aug 2000; online reprint April 2009
"Current Affairs," The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, January 2009
"Drifting off the Coast of New Mexico," Asimov's, June 1995
"Epiphany Beach," The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, May 1994
"Ithaca Bound," Tampa Review #6, Winter 1995
"The Madonna of Port Lligat," Asimov's, June 1994
"Man Overboard," Tampa Review #4, Spring 1993
"Like Pavlov's Dogs," Book of the Dead, ed. John Skipp & Craig Spector, Bantam, 1989; Zeising Press limited hardcover, 1989; reprinted in Zombies, ed. John Skipp, Oct. 2009, Black Dog/Leventhal Press.
"The Answer Tree," Silver Scream, ed. David J. Schow, Tor, 1988; Dark Harvest limited hardcover, 1988
"True Allegiance," Aboriginal, Nov.-Dec. 1988
"Minutes of the Last Meeting at Olduvai Gorge," Aboriginal, 1987; reprinted in Best of Aboriginal, 1988
"Prodigy," Borderland, ed. Terri Windling, Signet, 1986; Tor Books reprint, Dec 1992
"Bridge," Færy, ed. Terri Windling, Berkley, 1985
"Rocinante," Elsewhere, Vol. III, ed. Terri Windling, Berkley, 1984
Screenplays (produced)
Toy Story 2 (second draft), Pixar/Disney Studios, 1999
Plays (performed)
"Minutes of the Last Meeting at Chauvet Cave," 2023. One-act play adapted from "Minutes of the Last Meeting at Olduvai Gorge," in Short Works, above. Staged reading by Napa Valley Players, August 2023.
Comic Books
Ren & Stimpy Quarterly Special #4, Marvel, Jan 1995
Ren & Stimpy Quarterly Special #2, Marvel, June 1994
Ren & Stimpy #16, Marvel, January 1994
Space Ark #5, Apple Comics, 1990